Following Dr. Guzzo’s appointment as Full Professor on September 1st, 2016, the University of Milan has become the new coordinating host institution of the ERC project. PI, post-docs and PhD students will be based at the Physics Department in Via Celoria 16 from the beginning of November, where they will have the opportunity to discuss the comparison of clustering results…
Category: Cosmonews

Detection of a Supervoid Aligned with the Cold Spot of the Cosmic Microwave Background
The Cold Spot on the Cosmic Microwave Background was first identified 10 years ago. It is an unusually cold and large region visible by eye on the temperature maps. First seen in WMAP, and now remeasured with Planck, the properties of the Spot are very curious. It has been hypothesised to be a cosmic defect left over from just seconds…

|| By Jian-hua He || FRcamb is a fortran code for computing the linear cosmological perturbation in f(R) gravity, itself based on the public available Einstein-Boltzmann code CAMB, written by Antony Lewis and Anthony Challinor. The current version is its first release, which only supports the f(R) model that has the LambdaCDM background.The current version is compatible with the latest…

VIPERS: clustering of galaxies and dark matter at redshift 1
Our model for dark matter is incredibly successful despite its simplicity. But things get complicated when we try to understand galaxies, and actually the entire baryonic component of the Universe poses significant problems for theories of structure formation. A step forward in understanding how galaxies relate to dark matter can be made by looking at the clustering properties of galaxies. One statistical…