The workshop took place on September 23rd 2015, in the POE hall of the Astronomical Observatory of Brera in Merate. It was broadly focused on the combination of two key cosmological probes, i.e. the large-scale galaxy distribution and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and included also recent results from projects such as Planck, POLARBEAR and VIPERS. Click here to view the XC-Day…
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XC in N-body Simulations with neutrinos
During a 1-day workshop in Merate on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015, Darklight post-doc fellow Carmelita Carbone will present the first set of cosmological simulations produced within the “Dark Energy and Massive Neutrino Universe” (DEMNUni) project. These simulations are characterized by L=2Gpc/h, Npart=2×2048^3, a baseline LCDM-Planck cosmology, and four different total neutrino masses, Mnu=0,0.17,0.3,0.53 eV, with a degenerate mass spectrum. They are the largest…
Detection of a Supervoid Aligned with the Cold Spot of the Cosmic Microwave Background
The Cold Spot on the Cosmic Microwave Background was first identified 10 years ago. It is an unusually cold and large region visible by eye on the temperature maps. First seen in WMAP, and now remeasured with Planck, the properties of the Spot are very curious. It has been hypothesised to be a cosmic defect left over from just seconds…
Astronomy in the era of the LSST
In the week 24-28 November, Prof. Andy Connolly from the University of Washington (Seattle, USA) visited the Darklight group in Merate, delivering a beautiful talk on the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). This is one of the most exciting galaxy survey projects of the next decade, entailing the construction of a dedicated 8m telescope with large field of view, which for ten years will…