In the July 2016 issue of JCAP, for the first time in the literature, Darklight fellow Dr. Carmelita Carbone and co-authors present a full reconstruction of the total (linear and non-linear) ISW/Rees-Sciama effect in the presence of massive neutrinos, together with its cross-correlations with CMB-lensing and weak-lensing signals. The present analyses make use of all-sky maps extracted via ray-tracing across…
Category: New papers

Group-galaxy correlations in redshift space as a probe of the growth of structure
Darklight PhD fellow Faizan Mohammad and co-authors investigate in this paper (MNRAS, Vol. 458, May 2016) the use of the cross-correlation between galaxies and galaxy groups to measure redshift-space distortions (RSD) and thus probe the growth rate of cosmological structure. This is compared to the classical approach based on using galaxy auto-correlation. They make use of realistic simulated galaxy catalogues that have…