With the end of the project fast approaching (October 31st, 2017), most of the Darklight team (including ex-fellows) will meet from September 4th until September 6th in Milan at the Department of Physics (Unimi), to discuss the results of the research carried out in the last five years thanks to the ERC grant and to plan future developments. Please click here to view the…
Category: Meetings
BAO & RSD: dark light on obscure acronyms
Most of the Darklight team will gather next week (4-8 July) in Sesto at the Sexten Center for Astrophysics, together with 30 experts, to discuss the analysis of the large scale structure of the Universe. The workshop will be focused in particular on Redshift-Space Distortions (RSD) and Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the clustering of galaxies, two techniques that have…

12th VIPERS Science Meeting
Most of the Darklight team is gathering this week in Milan, together with the VIPERS Science Team, to discuss how to best use the 90,000 galaxy redshifts of the now completed VIPERS galaxy survey. The methods being developed by the ERC-funded Darklight project are allowing researchers to optimize the extraction of cosmological information from the large-scale galaxy distribution shown by…

Science with LSS and CMB Cross-Correlations
The workshop took place on September 23rd 2015, in the POE hall of the Astronomical Observatory of Brera in Merate. It was broadly focused on the combination of two key cosmological probes, i.e. the large-scale galaxy distribution and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and included also recent results from projects such as Planck, POLARBEAR and VIPERS. Click here to view the XC-Day…