Dark Energy or Modified Gravity?

Different gravity models are degenerate when looking at the expansion history of the Universe H(z) only. Such degen eracy, can be lifted if we focus on the gravity­‐driven growth of cosmological structures, measuring the growth rate f(z). “Redshiſt-­‐Space Distortions” (RSDs), quantified through the two-­point correlation function (2PCF) are a potentially powerful way to extract this information. Yet, separating the linear RSD signal, which depends on f(z), from nonlinear…

The Zeldovich Universe

From 23rd until 28th June a few members of the Darklight group will participate in the IAU Symposium 308 – The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web in Tallinn (Estonia) to present results on the project. The P.I. of Darklight, Luigi Guzzo, will deliver an invited review on galaxy surveys and clustering measurements, in particular from the VIPERS…

Darklight @ SAIt2014

From 13th until 16th May 2014 the 58th National Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt) will take place in Milan at the premises of Palazzo Cusani (Via Brera 15). This year the meeting will be focused on Prof. Guzzo’s field of research, “Cosmic Structures: from the Solar System to the Boundaries of the Universe” so he has been invited…


|| By Jian-hua He || FRcamb is a fortran code for computing the linear cosmological perturbation in f(R) gravity, itself based on the public available Einstein-Boltzmann code CAMB, written by Antony Lewis and Anthony Challinor. The current version is its first release, which only supports the f(R) model that has the LambdaCDM background.The current version is compatible with the latest…