A video by the University of Milan describing the goals of the “Darklight” ERC Advanced Grant project
Category: Science in Society
Meet Me Tonight – A successful event
More than 600 people showed up for the event “The Sky in a Room” organized by the University of Milan (Department of Physics) and INAF (Astronomical Observatory of Brera and IASF): thank you for making it memorable!
The Sky in a Room
At the Aula Magna of the Natural History Museum there will be three initiatives presented in collaboration by the University of Milan (Department of Physics) and INAF (Astronomical Observatory of Brera and IASF) for the Researchers’ Night “Meet Me Tonight”, on September 29th and 30th, 2017. The exhibition “Large telescopes, great science”, jointly organized by the European Observatory (ESO) and the European project…
Optimising the communication plan of a basic research project
The relationship between publicly funded basic research and its wider impact on society is important. How this happens in practice is less obvious than in the case of applied research, where the goal of the project is more practical and its results easier to identify. To make an example, the utility of a research project on HIV vaccines is immediately…